Maureen's Testimony
After I left my Covenant husband Floyd in Canada I flew back to the UK (I am British by birth, my temporary earth homeland) my husband signed papers for me to get a Canadian passport for our son, so I could leave Canada and leave my husband. My next marriage was to Louis adulterous and my daughter was born. This was a very physically violent abusive relationship and ended in a a very nasty divorce. Next adulterous marriage was to Mike which ended in divorce and finally Roger an adulterous marriage which ended in divorce.
I came to Christ about 3 years after my final divorce from Roger, but I had gone into another sinful fornicating relationship which lasted 18 months and it was through this final relationship to Martin that I met his brother and sister in law that were Born Again believing Christians. It was only through Christ strengthening me that as the years went by and Louis had married again I started to speak to him and his then 3rd wife. My daughter had got into heroin and I was caring for my Grandaughter, due to some of my working shifts at the hospital I needed help and they helped when they were able, his wife finally got cancer and I asked her to come to Christian meetings with me hoping she would come to Christ and be healed, she came to my home several times for pray, Louis would bring her to my home, sometimes I was led to call in to see her and pray for her, miraculously she was healed 3 times, re-surrendered to Christ, started coming to the Church I was attending and then Louis started coming too, she was taken very poorly again and was in hospital where I went to visit and pray. They allowed to come home as there was nothing more they could do for her. I visited, prayed and spent time with her, I helped Louis carry her electric bed downstairs for her, sadly her funeral.
Almost 3 years have gone by, Louis is rebuilding his relationship with our daughter Lisa as its been very broken, my Granddaughter asked if for her 14th birthday (Shahira has been back living with her Mum for almost 2 years, lots of brokenness, but Trusting in the Lord) could Grandad come too and I said I have no problem with this, not much conversation but it was fine, I could see he is very ill and broken, bless him, it us only the Lord that has helped me to forgive him for the pain of the past in violence, my heart was filled with Gods love for him, he is lost.
Then Mike and I knew each other in school. Our adulterous marriage did not last long, we parted on good terms, and always talked when we bumped into each other, when I came to Christ and I seen him he was open to hearing the Good News of Jesus Christ. After our divorce I had him do carpentry work for me (it was his job) and paid him, I last seen him about 8 months ago and he looked so ill, I asked him to come to church but he said no, He died about 5 months ago with cancer, I was going to attend his funeral but in the end I didn't go, his 3rd adulterous wife phoned me and was laughing about what the Vicar would say with Mike's 4 wives there, I gently told her that if the Vicar truly knew Christ he would not make such a mockery of what a Covenant Marriage is in God's eyes, which led to me giving her my testimony, she listened and then said that she "wouldn't be changing her lifestyle." Some mockery took place so I knew I should not go to Mike's funeral. But I did hear he had written letters to his son and daughter for never being in there lives and to 3 other people he had wronged so maybe he came to Christ. The day I was going to see him in hospital something else cropped up so I rescheduled and he died before I got to the hospital, I am believing he remembered all the times I shared with him about Jesus dying for us sinners how we could repent and get right with Him whilst there was still time. He was so sorry for what he had done in his letters.
Finally my last adulterous marriage to Roger, he has been here before and after I came to Christ, had a long conversation with him the last time I seen him, he said I was so different, Praise the Lord. I did not marry Martin but he lived with me for 18 months before I came to Christ our relationship ended Dec 3rd and I submitted to Christ Dec 31st, I briefly seen him a while ago but only for a very quick hello acknowledgement. My Covenant husband, Floyd my son's Dad, I have not seen since 1971, we are friends on facebook although we don't really communicate, but only 3 weeks ago I sent him a letter saying how wrong I was in what I did and asked him if he could forgive me for my selfish actions. To date I have not heard from him. A terrible mess and trail of destruction but God is in all of it, I have repented, cut off all soul ties, poured my heart out and cried rivers of tears, I know the Lord hears my hearts cries and believe by Faith He will restore the years the locusts have stolen. Sorry to be so long winded.